Temple Level 1 Plans
This means temples can gradually open up for programs. Of course, all this will have to be done under stringent COVID safety protocols.Continue Reading
This means temples can gradually open up for programs. Of course, all this will have to be done under stringent COVID safety protocols.Continue Reading
Beautiful Darshan of Our Lordships Sri Sri Nitai Mayapurachandra Continue Reading
We have various esteemed guest speakers lined up to give our Sunday program. All the lectures will be conducted via zoom and will also be published on our YouTube channel.Continue Reading
We are very pleased to announce that we are at a position to begin opening up of services to all congregational pujaris. In order to facilitate this, we will all have to follow Covid guidelines, Continue Reading
We are happy to share this beautiful inspiration from Her Grace Radha Radhanath dasi who is a long standing, pioneer within the ISKCON South African yatra.Continue Reading
Because of the global pandemic, traditional ways to share Harinam, on the streets and in kirtan events, are severely restricted. Thus, we plan to offer many ways to participate Continue Reading
I attended an evangelistic primary school. There was so much emphasis on a relationship with God through reading and hearing. Even when I walked away from Christianity, I still held Continue Reading
I have been reading a nice booklet, “A Vaisnava in every Neighborhood.” It is compiled by the devotees who established “Mathuradesh” Continue Reading
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